From John, Flood Warden
Job done yesterday so no day two needed! Grateful thanks to all.
Amazingly the river clearance was completed by lunchtime Saturday so there is no need to show up today (Sunday!).
A willing band turned up at 10 am, got briefed and at 1015 Frank from Pettifers brought tea, excellent coffee and very welcome hot bacon rolls.
Our task was made a lot easier by recent clearances:- The Green by the Parish Council, the Glebe Field by Gary Marshall and Peter Williams and School Field by Jonathan Blanch. Thanks to them we just cleared the river between the A429 and footbridge and tidied up minor debris and silting downstream, all quickly dealt with.
Thank you to those that came – including Alex Hunter and family, new to Crudwell and happy to help out.
See you next Autumn, probably25th September or 2nd October.
Kind regards