Crudwell Parish News Needs You!
Dear Parishioners,
Crudwell Parish Council were under no misconception when they launched the Crudwell Parish News in July 2012 that the magazine would be able to survive without significant additional assistance from interested volunteers. It has now become essential for the Crudwell Parish News to survive in its present format for volunteers to come forward who are willing to help supplement the management team. The team are seeking in particular volunteers who have IT and desktop publishing experience; although anyone with an interest in assisting the CPN team in any other way will be most welcome.
The Crudwell Parish News belongs to the Parish. The fundamental aim of the magazine is, that it should continue to be delivered free of charge to every household within the Parish. This can only be achieved with the contribution of a dedicated team of enthusiastic people. Without volunteers coming forward to give assistance, Crudwell Parish Council will unfortunately have to cease producing the CPN in its present format.
To make the CPN cost neutral we desperately need more advertisers, donations or you may wish to sponsor a page. If you can offer any help please contact the Editor, Ian McKay E-Mail:
or Gerda Hayes or if you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Jonathan Furlonger E-Mail: or any member of the Parish Council.