Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan – Joint Focus Group Exhibition

Saturday 5th May in Crudwell Village Hall from 11.30am to 2.00pm
You are invited to drop in for an update on progress with the Neighbourhood Plan and the opportunity to express your views on the impact of future development in our community.

Look at details of the sites put forward in our Call for Sites and tell us which you think are the most suitable for development.
Consider information gathered by our focus groups on design and development, infrastructure and transport, community amenities, and environmental impact.

Let us know which ideas and proposals you are in favour of. You will be invited to rank different options in order of preference.
Your feedback will be valuable in helping us to identify and develop the policies, which will form a central part of our Neighbourhood Plan. Please come along, get involved and make your voice heard. The focus groups will be reporting on all their findings around the end of this month. Look out for further information on our website!
Yours Faithfully
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor
Sian Burke-Murphy, Chair, Crudwell NP Steering Committee


Environmental Survey

Dear fellow Parishioners,
Your view about future development of our area is really important.
We’d be grateful if you could spend 10 minutes or so filling out this Survey which seeks your opinion on Environment related issues, by filling out the survey below.
Please submit your survey response (by clicking “Done” at the bottom of the survey), before Friday 27th April 2018.
Your input is very much appreciated. Thank you.”
Best wishes
Gabi Plews
Lead, Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Environment Focus Group
Create your own user feedback survey


Why the need to “Call for Sites”

Dear Parishioners,
We have been asked to provide some clarification regarding the need to “Call for Sites“.
You’ll already be aware that a neighbourhood plan enables the local community to make its own decisions about whether, how and where Crudwell Parish will grow, what areas should be protected, what infrastructure should be provided alongside any new development, and what any new development looks like.
One of the next steps for us is to produce our own housing needs assessment, so we can work out for ourselves how many new homes we will need in the next few years. Realistically, Crudwell Parish will probably need to provide some new housing, but the idea is that we will have better and more robust evidence to back up the number of new homes that we propose, than Wiltshire Council had in suggesting that Ridgeway Farm should be developed. Then we can make our own decisions about where any new housing should go.
The problem for us is that we are, to a certain extent, in a race against Wiltshire’s Housing Site Allocations Plan (which proposed Ridgeway Farm for housing development). We need to ensure that the neighbourhood plan is quite well progressed when Wiltshire’s Housing Site Allocations Plan is submitted for examination (which we expect to be April 2018), and even more so when the Housing Site Allocations Plan is examined (expected October 2018). This means that we need to do some tasks simultaneously, and this is why we need to ask landowners for potential development sites at the same time as working out how many new homes we need to provide for.
We will need to be open minded about where any new housing goes, so we need to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to promote their site. Then we can make a decision about the location of new housing based on robust evidence, which we must do if the neighbourhood plan is to pass all the necessary tests.
Hopefully this clarify’s things a little. Please, as always, do get in touch should you have any questions. plan@my-crudwell.org
Yours Faithfully
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor
Sian Burke-Murphy, Chairman, Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee


Shaping the future of our community

Shaping the future of our community 
Dear Parishioners,
Thank you to all those who completed the Comments Cards delivered to all households and businesses in Crudwell parish in November. The level of response – more than 120 cards received – was encouraging. Your comments have been recorded and will be used to identify the key topics for focus groups to be set up in the near future.
These groups will give local residents and other interested parties the opportunity to express their views about the future of Crudwell parish, addressing concerns such as the scale and sustainability of future development; local infrastructure and amenities; potential increase in traffic density; and environmental impact. 
All information gathered will be important in shaping the Neighbourhood Plan for Crudwell, helping to ensure that the views expressed are truly representative of the wishes and concerns of the community as a whole. Look out for further details about the Focus Groups, which will be publicised widely in the parish, including in What’s On In Crudwell.
In line with recommendations for the production of Neighbourhood Plans, the Steering Group (working on behalf of the Parish Council) is inviting landowners to put forward sites that may have the potential for development for housing or other uses over the 5 year Plan period, or thereafter. This is known as the Call for Sites. You may also see publicity about this displayed around the parish. Proposed sites will be considered for inclusion in the Neighbourhood Plan. If you wish to put forward a site for consideration, please contact the Steering Group at plan@my-crudwell.org and we will reply with instructions on how to submit.  
While acknowledging the requirement for further housing in response to local needs, it is important to ensure that any future development is sympathetic to the scale and context of our rural community. Identifying suitable sites in our Neighbourhood Plan is an important step towards achieving this goal.  The next phase will include assessments of the sites as well as establishing the Parish’s level of need for housing, all of which will come together as we develop the plan and we look forward to engaging with you on this.

Yours Faithfully
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor
Sian Burke-Murphy, Chairman, Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee


Your Parish Needs You!

Caring for Crudwell Parish 
Dear Parishioners,
As you will all be aware, the Parish Council (PC) together with the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Steering Committee (SC) are facilitating the production of a NP for Crudwell Parish. Once adopted or “Made”, the vision for how our community develops over time as set out in the NP becomes the blue print against which all planning applications will judged, to ensure they address the priorities of our area. It has to be written with the full engagement of the local community. Without full engagement, it will carry light weight.
It is really important that we SHOW that we are passionate about our community. We can do this in the following ways:

By getting comment cards in before the 22nd December. Nearly 1,000 leaflets were personally delivered to Residents, Local business/employers, Parents at School / Pre-school and other Stakeholders in Crudwell Parish 3-4 weeks ago. To date we have received just 20 comment cards so please complete as soon as possible.By giving permission to add your e-mail addresses to the NP e-mail list, so that we can keep you informed and invite you to the policy workshops / focus groups we will be running early in the New Year. Your contact details will remain confidential and will only be used to keep you updated on the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan. We had over 250 Parishioners signed up on the Crudwell Voice distribution list, we would love for all of you to agree to that information being transferred to the NP e-mail list.
If you are able to offer a bit more time to the NP process, we would be hugely grateful so please do let us know if you can and we’ll contact you to discuss options.
Spread the word! Talk to local friends, family, neighbours and employers about it and urge them to get comment cards in.

You may have noticed in the local paper last week (follow link below) that the Developers at Ridgeway Farm are ploughing ahead with plans for a further 40 houses. According to that article published in Tuesday’s Gazette & Herald they have submitted a planning application for the additional houses, constituting phase 2. Although we understand from our local Councillor, no plans have been submitted to date.
Without a NP in place, we are wide open to speculative development so PLEASE ACT NOW AND COMPLETE THE COMMENTS CARD.  We will not be successful in getting a NP “Made” unless we can demonstrate local community engagement at every stage! 
Yours Faithfully
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor
Sian Burke-Murphy, Chairman, Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee


Free Zorb Football session – ages 12 – 19!

A4-poster-malmesbury    (the poster also shows other venues in the local area on different days)
Suitable for ages 12 – 19, come and try exciting **Zorb Football**  at the Crudwell Village Hall recreation ground on Thursday 18th August, 1 – 2 p.m.
No need to book, just come along on the day.  If you are under 16 you will need to complete a  consent form, which you can find here.
Consent form


Fun in the Sun returns to Crudwell Village Hall Rec Ground

Free of charge, summer holiday sports coaching sessions are returning to the Crudwell Village Hall Recreation Ground on 27th July, and 3rd, 10th and 17th August 2016.  From 12.30 till 2 p.m.  For children aged 5 – 11 years.
Please bring suncream, hat, drink and appropriate clothing for the weather.  Unfortunately, due to the refurbishment/building works the Village Hall and toilets will not be accessible.
You can download/print the registration form here:


Pre-Schoolers grow their own!

The Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard have published an article about Crudwell Pre-School’s child-centred overhaul of their garden and play area, with support from the local community.
Please click on the photo below for the full article:


If you can recall the Queen’s birth or her Coronation, you’re invited!

If you can recall the Queen’s birth or her Coronation then we invite you to join us for a
‘Tea for the Queen’
2.30pm on Friday 10th June
at   Crudwell CE Primary School
Please contact the school on 01666 577357 or admin@crudwell.wilts.sch.uk  if you would like to join us – or complete one of the flyers and return to us.
Make sure you let us know of any dietary needs and your contact details.
If you would like the support of a family member please let us know so that we can cater for them too.
Tea for the Queen poster

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