Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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Parish Annual Audit Notice

Any person interested has the opportunity to inspect, and make copies of, the annual return and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts etc related to them.
For the year ended 31st March 2015 these documents will be available with reasonable notice on application to:
Lisa Dent (Parish Clerk),
76 Dyer Street,
between the hours of 0900 and 1230, Monday to Friday, from Friday 29th May to Thursday 25th June 2015.
For full details, please see the notice on the Village Hall notice Board.


Free Dance Project in Malmesbury

Starting on Monday 11th May, 16:30-18:00 in the Community Hub, Malmesbury.
Funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund & Green Square.
This year long project will give young people the opportunity to learn styles of dance from 1914 and perform them at many events across Wiltshire. This fully immersive project will give them the opportunity to visit the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre, and engage with other dance companies.
Young people will also have the opportunity to attain their Arts Award Bronze or Silver all for FREE. We’re not just looking for dancers, we would also like young historians, textiles students and media experts to join the team to support the project on multiple levels.


Crudwell Broadband

The May meeting of Crudwell Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5th May at 7.00 pm, at Crudwell CE School.

Matt Lloyd from BT will be attending to discuss the future of faster broadband in Crudwell – as always, parishioners are very welcome to attend.


A429 Road Safety Petition

Chloe Horton from Crudwell, aged 7, has started a petition to improve the safety of the A429 near Kemble Business Park, after the ongoing spate of serious road accidents which included a fatal crash last year, in which a young father from Crudwell lost his life.
Please see the recent article in the Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Standard for more information.


Annual Parish Meeting

This year, the Parish Council are holding their Annual Parish Meeting on Saturday 25th April at 10.00 am in the Village Hall.
We’re hoping residents will come along to find out what the Parish Council and the various organisations around the village are getting up to. Ray Sanderson will be giving a demonstration on how to use the new defibrillator the Parish Council have just purchased, Ray is the area coordinator for the Community Heartbeat Trust. Sam Salter will also be showing people how to make best use of the new community web site.
Refreshments will be served beforehand.


Garden Waste charges

Wiltshire Council will be introducing a charge of £40 per year for the fortnightly collection of garden waste. The new collections will start from 15th June 2015 – free collections will continue until then.
Residents can sign up for the new collections at any time from 1st April – Wiltshire Council are encouraging people to sign up by 17th May to make sure your garden waste bin is emptied from 15th June onwards. This is an optional service; you would only pay if you would like to receive a fortnightly collection of garden waste. Garden waste bins will be emptied fortnightly, except for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.
From 1st April there are three ways you can sign up and pay for the service:

Securely online by debit or credit card
Over the phone by calling 0300 456 0102
By sending a cheque for £40 made payable to Wiltshire Council to: Waste Management, Wiltshire Council, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN. Please write your name, address, including postcode, phone number, and the words ‘garden waste’ on the back of the cheque.

Once you’ve signed up, you will be sent a garden waste sticker to place on your bin to help identify which households have paid. Your garden waste collection day may change, but you will be given your new collection dates before the new service starts on 15th June.
Residents who do not want to sign up can keep their bins in case they change their minds, or can ask for them to be retrieved.


Crudwell In Bloom

Crudwell in Bloom will be a voluntary community organisation that aims to make the village of Crudwell more beautiful, and bring the people of Crudwell closer together.
We intend to enter Crudwell Village in the South West in Bloom competition in 2016, if we can find enough enthusiastic volunteers to help.

We will need a group of volunteers who would be willing to help plan, plant, grow and maintain a number of floral display areas around the village.
If you are you interested in joining the group, please contact either: margaret.perrin@crudwell-pc.gov.uk or terrimurphy0709@gmail.com


Faster Broadband – Update

Last summer, the Parish Council began talks with Cotswold Wireless, a company which offers wireless broadband in local villages. This is not as fast as BT Infinity (which we can’t get at the moment), but is an improvement on existing broadband speeds.
Cotswold Wireless has been waiting for a minimum number of people to sign up, so it can install the equipment and get things working. We now have almost enough households for the initial launch, so if you want to take advantage of the service, act soon! You can find out more on the Cotswold Wireless website . There are four levels of service available, and you choose the one you want, and prices vary depending on the amount of data you consume.

Small Print

This is not a final commitment, and CW will check that you can receive service first before confirming with you that you wish to go ahead. However, CW bases its investment decisions on the numbers pre-ordering, so please only do so if you genuinely plan to take advantage of the service (subject to availability). See the “What you need to know” section on the order form for more details. If you need more information about the service, please contact CW direct (details on the web site)
 Although the Parish Council has helped to facilitate the service, this is a contract between you and Cotswold Wireless. Crudwell Parish Council is not specifically endorsing the service; we’re only trying enable a better service to the community, based on the feedback from the Parish Survey.



Hankerton Bridge

Please see the following message from Wiltshire Council:
Dear All,
As you are aware we have been preparing a scheme to strengthen Hankerton Bridge on the north route out of the village. We are currently progressing a bridge deck replacement scheme with site works programmed to commence 2nd March 2015. Our Term Contractor Balfour Beatty Living Places will be carrying out the bridge strengthening works and maintaining the temporary diversion route.
The bridge works will be carried out under a full road closure and we anticipate the work to take 6-8 weeks to complete. During the road closure a signed diversion route will be maintained for all vehicles and a temporary footbridge will be installed on site to provide pedestrian and cyclist access. Advance notice will be given by letter to all Hankerton addresses during February 2015 and Advance Signs will be positioned on the bridge at least 2 weeks before the works commence.
During the works progress reports will be prepared and issued weekly, I am working with Wiltshire Council website team to have these posted on our website and linked via the Malmesbury Community Matters website.
May I take this opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience these works will cause and thank you in advance for your patience.

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