Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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Malmesbury Primary Care Centre to Open Earlier

From 5th May patients will be able to ring in to the Primary Care Centre from 8.00 am Monday to Friday.  The decision to extend the telephone opening time in the morning was made in response to patient feedback; many felt that this earlier time would be more convenient to patients and parents, who may well be travelling to work or getting ready for school. Opening up the lines at this time also brings the telephone access more in line with door opening times.
The surgery will continue to offer additional ‘early morning’ appointments two days a week (as shown below) and a weekly Saturday morning surgery.  These “Extended Hours” times are for non-emergency booked appointments only.
Emergency problems in normal hours (8.00-18.30) will be assessed and either telephoned, visited or booked into the morning “Duty Nurse” or twice daily “Duty Doctor” surgeries which run Monday to Friday. Outside of these normal weekday hours, the excellent “Medvivo” Out Of Hours Service based in Chippenham will deal with any emergency problems.
Malmesbury Primary Care Centre Opening Hours


8.00 am- 6.30pm
8.00am- 7.00pm

8.00 am- 6.30pm
8.00am- 7.00pm

8.00 am- 6.30pm
7.30.am- 7.00pm
7.30-8.00= Extended Hours

8.00 am- 6.30pm
7.30am- 7.00pm
7.30-8.00= Extended Hours

8.00 am- 6.30pm
8.00am- 7.00pm


All = Extended Hours

Booking Ahead:
Patients are reminded that 60% of all GP appointments are available up to six weeks in advance, and so are advised to book early if they need to book a routine or review appointment. The remaining 40% are made available on the day of the appointment, to allow for patients wanting to see a GP of their choice more urgently.
Booking On line
Appointments can also be made by booking “on-line”. Please ask at reception or view our website www.malmesburypcc.nhs.uk for details on how to register for the service.
We are seeing an increase in patients not attending for their appointments. If you cannot attend then please inform the surgery so that we can then offer the appointment to someone else and it is not wasted.


Crudwell Village Clean Up

“We’re getting together to give Crudwell and surrounding villages a clean sweep and make it a place we can all feel good about. All you have to do is dress down, show up, and bring your enthusiasm. Let’s get our hands dirty to clean up our area!”

Saturday the 11th April 2015
10am start, meeting at Crudwell Village Hall car park
(If you can help until lunch time that will be great)


Parish Clerk Vacancy

A vacancy has arisen for a Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.
This is a part time appointment with flexible hours, working primarily from home for approximately 28 hours per month, with payment in line with the relevant National Salary Agreement. Starting salary will be from £8.61 – £12.31 per hour depending on experience and qualifications. Office expenses will also be covered.
The duties include: general administration, minute taking, Council correspondence, filing and financial control, and preparing for and attending approximately 12 – 14 meetings per year (normally on a Thursday evening).
We are looking for someone with experience in all aspects of finance and budget control, good communication and organisational skills, team skills, an enthusiasm for community life and for dealing with the public, with a good level of computer competence, and able to work on confidential matters. You should be willing to undertake training in aspects of local administration if you are not already qualified. Previous local government experience would be helpful.
Please send a brief letter of application and your CV to Jonathan Furlonger at chairman@crudwell-pc.gov.uk or telephone 01666 577298.


If You Go Down To The Hall Today . .

. . . . . you’ll see that the Village Hall noticeboard is back in position. We looked at it last year, and noticed quite a lot of damage and flaking varnish. Replacements are expensive – up to £600 – so we took it down just after Christmas for a full refurbishment. Unfortunately, when it went back to the workshop, we discovered several pieces of rotten wood, which had to be replaced.

Many thanks from all of us to Jeremy Retford, who repaired the damage and revarnished the noticeboard. Thanks also to Jeremy’s neighbour, Mike Smith, for cutting and shaping several replacement wooden sections.
The board is now back in position, and we hope it will give good service through many more Crudwell winters!


Crudwell Pre-School ‘Outstanding’

Crudwell Pre-School has just been given an Outstanding rating following its latest Ofsted inspection. The Pre-School was given the top mark following a review on December 17th 2014, after previously receiving a rating of good.
Manager Cathy Harris is delighted with the result, and praises her team for their extremely close working relationship.


Tree Planting Scheme

Crudwell Parish Council received a generous gift of trees from the company Simons Group, who were responsible for developing the new Waitrose store in Malmesbury. The tree planting initiative was set up by Simons Group to offset the carbon monoxide omissions produced by the different types of machinery used during the construction of the new Waitrose store. Simons Group wanted to give something back to the local community for the disruption caused to the people of Malmebsury and the surrounding areas during the building process.

The Parish Council consulted Parishioners, and a number of planting schemes were suggested. A team from the Simons Group led by Dr Rosi Fieldson came to the village, and with help from local resident Terri Murphy the team planted a number of trees on the Post Office Green. A small number of trees were also planted in The Butts to replace the ones which had to be removed due to a fungal disease.


Oaksey Road Closure

Wiltshire Council have announced that a section of The Street in Oaksey will be closed in February, to enable Wessex Water to carry out a repair to the water main. A diversion will be in place.
The closure will affect a 100m stretch of The Street outside Oaksey Village Hall, and is expected to run from 7pm on Monday 9th February, until 7am the following morning.
For further information, please contact Matthew Coles (Wessex Water) on 0345 600 4 600.


Doggie Bags

A notice from Crudwell Parish Council:
“Crudwell Parish Council provides dog bins in Crudwell which are emptied on a regular basis. Unfortunately there are still some inconsiderate people that think it is acceptable to let their dogs foul on pavements and playing fields, or leave large bags of dog mess in public areas within the village. Please bear a thought for the Council’s team that are left with the job of clearing up the mess, and if you become aware of anyone abusing these public facilities please let the Parish Council know. People who do not clean up after their dog can be given a £50 on-the-spot fine. If they refuse to pay the fine, they can be prosecuted and may face a court appearance with a maximum penalty of £1,000. Registered blind dog owners are exempt from penalties.”


New and Improved Play Area

Good news – the four new pieces of play equipment for our younger residents (designed for 2-4 year olds) have now been installed in the playground next to the Village Hall!
The planned repair work to the damaged paving by the swings has also been completed.
Everything is all ready for use – so if you know any small people who laugh in the face of December weather, please do enjoy!


Wiltshire Council Highways Update – December

Wiltshire Council is currently getting ready for winter – there is information available on a county level regarding road gritting and snow clearance.
The Highway Steward will be visiting Crudwell on Monday 15th December, and Monday 26th January. The Steward scheme is operated by Wiltshire Council to carry out minor highways works, including for example hedge trimming around road signs, clearance of debris and leaves obstructing footways, clearing storm drains, small pothole repair, and the removal of ragwort. Please report any such local highway issues to Wiltshire Council to ensure that they receive attention.
There will also be a “Community Day” for Crudwell, where Wiltshire Council’s contractor undertakes certain prearranged highways works, on Tuesday 27th January.

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