Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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Oaksey Road Closure

Wiltshire Council have announced that a section of The Street in Oaksey will be closed in February, to enable Wessex Water to carry out a repair to the water main. A diversion will be in place.
The closure will affect a 100m stretch of The Street outside Oaksey Village Hall, and is expected to run from 7pm on Monday 9th February, until 7am the following morning.
For further information, please contact Matthew Coles (Wessex Water) on 0345 600 4 600.


Doggie Bags

A notice from Crudwell Parish Council:
“Crudwell Parish Council provides dog bins in Crudwell which are emptied on a regular basis. Unfortunately there are still some inconsiderate people that think it is acceptable to let their dogs foul on pavements and playing fields, or leave large bags of dog mess in public areas within the village. Please bear a thought for the Council’s team that are left with the job of clearing up the mess, and if you become aware of anyone abusing these public facilities please let the Parish Council know. People who do not clean up after their dog can be given a £50 on-the-spot fine. If they refuse to pay the fine, they can be prosecuted and may face a court appearance with a maximum penalty of £1,000. Registered blind dog owners are exempt from penalties.”


New and Improved Play Area

Good news – the four new pieces of play equipment for our younger residents (designed for 2-4 year olds) have now been installed in the playground next to the Village Hall!
The planned repair work to the damaged paving by the swings has also been completed.
Everything is all ready for use – so if you know any small people who laugh in the face of December weather, please do enjoy!


Wiltshire Council Highways Update – December

Wiltshire Council is currently getting ready for winter – there is information available on a county level regarding road gritting and snow clearance.
The Highway Steward will be visiting Crudwell on Monday 15th December, and Monday 26th January. The Steward scheme is operated by Wiltshire Council to carry out minor highways works, including for example hedge trimming around road signs, clearance of debris and leaves obstructing footways, clearing storm drains, small pothole repair, and the removal of ragwort. Please report any such local highway issues to Wiltshire Council to ensure that they receive attention.
There will also be a “Community Day” for Crudwell, where Wiltshire Council’s contractor undertakes certain prearranged highways works, on Tuesday 27th January.


Closure of Crudwell Lane in Chedglow

Wiltshire Council have announced an immediate closure of Crudwell Lane in Chedglow, for Wessex Water to carry out an urgent mains leak repair.
The work begins today (Monday 8th December), and is anticipated (but not guaranteed) to be completed on Wednesday 10th December.
For full details, please see Wiltshire Council’s official notice.


Fast(er) Broadband for Crudwell

When we ran the Parish Survey in June 2014, over 40% of those who replied expressed an interest in faster broadband. Since then, the Parish Council has been busy trying to make this a reality. BT has stated that it will not begin survey work for fast broadband in Crudwell before early 2015, and – even if the service is implemented – it’s likely to take 12-18 months from that point before orders can be placed.
The Council approached a local supplier, Cotswold Wireless (CW), which offers a wireless broadband service. It puts a small receiver on your premises, and has a larger transmitter on a high building nearby. CW has successfully implemented in Hankerton and Oaksey. It has now carried out a feasibility survey, and has is confident that it can provide a service in Crudwell village too. CW clearly needs to have some degree of commitment from potential customers before investing in the equipment.
If you’re interested in speeding up your broadband connection, please take a look at the CW web site:
You will see there are four levels of service, and you choose which one you want. Prices vary depending on the amount of data you consume.
Provided enough people sign up, service could begin within a week or so.
The Small Print:

This is not a final commitment, and CW will check that you can receive service first before confirming with you that you wish to go ahead. However, CW bases its investment decisions on the numbers pre-ordering, so please only do so if you genuinely plan to take advantage of the service (subject to availability). See the “What you need to know” section on the order form for more details. If you need more information about the service, please contact CW direct (details on the web site)
Although the Parish Council has helped to facilitate the service, this is a contract between you and Cotswold Wireless. Crudwell Parish Council is not specifically endorsing the service; we’re only trying enable a better service to the community, based on the feedback from the Parish Survey.


Wiltshire Council Highways Update – November

Autumn leaf clearance and grip cutting have both commenced. Winter preparations are also underway – there is information available on a county level regarding road gritting and snow clearance.
The Highway Steward will be visiting Crudwell on Monday 15th December. The Steward scheme is operated by Wiltshire Council to carry out minor highways works, including for example hedge trimming around road signs, clearance of debris and leaves obstructing footways, clearing storm drains, small pothole repair, and the removal of ragwort. Please report any such local highway issues to Wiltshire Council to ensure that they receive attention.


Crudwell Parish News

Crudwell Parish News Needs You!
Dear Parishioners,
Crudwell Parish Council were under no misconception when they launched the Crudwell Parish News in July 2012 that the magazine would be able to survive without significant additional assistance from interested volunteers. It has now become essential for the Crudwell Parish News to survive in its present format for volunteers to come forward who are willing to help supplement the management team. The team are seeking in particular volunteers who have IT and desktop publishing experience; although anyone with an interest in assisting the CPN team in any other way will be most welcome.
The Crudwell Parish News belongs to the Parish. The fundamental aim of the magazine is, that it should continue to be delivered free of charge to every household within the Parish. This can only be achieved with the contribution of a dedicated team of enthusiastic people. Without volunteers coming forward to give assistance, Crudwell Parish Council will unfortunately have to cease producing the CPN in its present format.    
To make the CPN cost neutral we desperately need more advertisers, donations or you may wish to sponsor a page. If you can offer any help please contact the Editor, Ian McKay E-Mail: Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address or Gerda Hayes Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address or if you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Jonathan Furlonger E-Mail: Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address or any member of the Parish Council.


The Glebe Field

In the middle of Crudwell village, opposite the Mayfield House Hotel, is a large field which people often use to walk their dogs. There’s a footpath which follows the line of the Swill Brook and goes across the bridge and round the back of Crudwell School.
This field is owned by the Diocese of Bristol – the church organisation responsible for looking after church buildings and land in the Bristol area. The diocese plans to fence off the part of the field to the south of the footpath so it can be used for grazing livestock. This means that most of the field will not be available any more for dog walking.
The diocese has offered to lease the remaining area of land – roughly from the stream to the footpath – to the Parish Council  to use as community land. We would be responsible for keeping it neat and tidy, and cutting the grass, and it would be available for public use.
We’d like to know what you think about that idea! Would you use the land? What for? Should we try and turn it into a facility the village doesn’t have at the moment, and – if so – what could that be? Or do you think it would just become a litter-strewn eyesore, and we should turn down the offer from the diocese? Please let us have your thoughts by using the Contact form on the website, or by email to Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address.


Village Hall Car Park

Advance Warning: We are having some new play equipment installed in the week beginning 8th December. You may find the Village Hall car park is a bit busier than usual while the contractors are working. We’re sorry about this; please bear with us while the work is done so we can provide improved play facilities for our 2-4 year old residents!

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