Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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Proclamation of accession 27th September at 7 pm

Crudwell Parish Council will declare the Proclamation to the residents of Crudwell on Tuesday 27th September at 7 pm before the start of the September Crudwell Parish Council meeting, at the Village Hall Committee Room, Crudwell.
All are welcome to attend.   Details of the Parish Council meeting can be found here


Temporary Closure of: A429 (Part), Hullavington and St Paul Malmesbury Without (14.10.2022)

Please see below the Notice and Indicative Plan for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for A429, Hullavington and St Paul Malmesbury Without commencing 14th October 2022.
The closure can also be found on one.network here:  https://one.network/?tm=129635685
Diversion agreed with National Highways under NEM 270755
Hullavington Road wording of closure
Hullavington Road plan


Roadworks C92 Ashley Road, Chedglow, Malmesbury will now commence on Thursday 25th August 2022

Date change: Thursday 25th August 2022 and will be completed by Saturday 27th August 2022 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00
Plan/maps or works:
Road map 1 Ashley
Road map 2 Ashley
These works involve surface dressing over patches that were completed earlier this year.
The works WERE scheduled to commence on Thursday 11th August 2022 and be completed by Saturday 13th August 2022 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00, however, unfortunately due to delays in the program they have been rescheduled and will now commence on Thursday 25th August 2022 and will be completed by Saturday 27th August 2022 between the hours of 07:00 and 19:00. On occasions they may over run due to uncontrollable circumstances such as plant breakdowns, if weather conditions are unfavourable, or occasionally we discover the need for additional repairs once the work has started.
There will be advance information signs erected on site giving confirmed start dates.
Due to the nature of the works and the local environment, the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health & safety is maintained for the contractor & local residents.
Road Markings and Ironwork adjustments may need to be completed at a later date.
The main diversion route for all ‘through’ traffic whilst works are being undertaken within the road closure will be as per the attached road diversion drawing.
The Contractor will maintain pedestrian access for residents for the duration of the works; but depending upon what operation is being undertaken and where it’s being undertaken residents may find that when accessing or egressing from their property in their vehicle, they may experience a delay and have to wait for plant to be moved out of the carriageway. I have suggested to residents that when leaving their property, to allow extra time for any possible delays and when returning to their property, there will be traffic management operatives located at the extents of the works, to speak to them, explain where they live, and they will be able to assist.
There will be points during the material laying process where vehicular access will be restricted as residents won’t be able to drive over the newly laid material, as early trafficking could lead to premature failure, therefore I have recommended to residents that if works are being undertaken in the vicinity of their property to speak to the workforce in advance to ask if there will be any restrictions with regards to access.
Advanced signing will be erected and letter drops to all residents located within the site extents will commence week starting 25th July 2022. Signing will be in place advising that local businesses will be open as usual.


Our final Jubilee Event Sunday 5th June-come and display your vehicle!

On the final day of the Crudwell Jubilee celebrations on Sunday 5th June there will be a Classic vehicle display day on the playing fields at Crudwell Village Hall.
Click here for more details of our event on Sunday 5th June 2022
Please let us know if you would like to take part!  Please email
Lisa on parish.clerk@crudwell-pc.gov.uk or Roy Lambley at Roy.lambley@gmail.com or just turn up on the day!


Crudwell Jubilee Celebrations 2nd to 5th June 2022

The Queens Jubilee celebrations on the 2nd to the 5th of June 2022 are rapidly approaching and we are planning a number of events in Crudwell , all of which will require help from you all to succeed and for us to be proud of our village. The events provisionally planned are shown in the link together with the types of support needed to make them happen and to be a real success.
Jubilee April 2022


WOIC – March 2022

This edition includes information about the upcoming Jubilee events in Crudwell.
Download the March edition
We are pleased to note that distribution of the printed copy has now recommenced and will, subject to Covid progress and regulations continue throughout the year. The Parish Council has agreed to subsidise printing if required in order to ensure that production of this community resource continues


Heating grants and Policing Precept survey

Here follows info on heating grants and a Policing Precept Survey:-

Police & Crime Commissioner wants your views on plans to increase policing precept by £10

Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, is urging residents to have their say on proposals to increase the policing precept by £10 per year for the average household (band D).

This follows a recent police funding announcement from the Home Office which was based upon the assumption that all PCCs would seek to use the maximum flexibility afforded them by the Government to increase local precepts.
A £10 per year increase is a 4.3% increase and equates to an 83p rise, per month, per household, in a Band D property.
The proposal includes plans to:

Improve the way Wiltshire Police tackles Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) such as training for frontline staff to improve the service victims receive, bolstered digital investigation capability with the introduction of 5 new digital media investigators and dedicated officers and staff to review case files with the aim of improving investigation standards.
Increase the number of roads policing officers and collision investigators to improve road safety, drive up enforcement and ensure serious collisions are investigated promptly and to a high standard.
Increase the resources available to the child abuse and child internet exploitation teams to ensure that investigations are progressed as quickly as possible and children safeguarded from harm.
An extra 62 police officers recruited via the national uplift programme

Full article here          Policing – Precept survey
Heating funding 1      Heating funding leaflet
Heating funding 2     Additional heating funding

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