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Crudwell Jubilee Celebrations 2nd to 5th June 2022

The Queens Jubilee celebrations on the 2nd to the 5th of June 2022 are rapidly approaching and we are planning a number of events in Crudwell , all of which will require help from you all to succeed and for us to be proud of our village. The events provisionally planned are shown in the link together with the types of support needed to make them happen and to be a real success.
Jubilee April 2022


WOIC – March 2022

This edition includes information about the upcoming Jubilee events in Crudwell.
Download the March edition
We are pleased to note that distribution of the printed copy has now recommenced and will, subject to Covid progress and regulations continue throughout the year. The Parish Council has agreed to subsidise printing if required in order to ensure that production of this community resource continues


Heating grants and Policing Precept survey

Here follows info on heating grants and a Policing Precept Survey:-

Police & Crime Commissioner wants your views on plans to increase policing precept by £10

Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, is urging residents to have their say on proposals to increase the policing precept by £10 per year for the average household (band D).

This follows a recent police funding announcement from the Home Office which was based upon the assumption that all PCCs would seek to use the maximum flexibility afforded them by the Government to increase local precepts.
A £10 per year increase is a 4.3% increase and equates to an 83p rise, per month, per household, in a Band D property.
The proposal includes plans to:

Improve the way Wiltshire Police tackles Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) such as training for frontline staff to improve the service victims receive, bolstered digital investigation capability with the introduction of 5 new digital media investigators and dedicated officers and staff to review case files with the aim of improving investigation standards.
Increase the number of roads policing officers and collision investigators to improve road safety, drive up enforcement and ensure serious collisions are investigated promptly and to a high standard.
Increase the resources available to the child abuse and child internet exploitation teams to ensure that investigations are progressed as quickly as possible and children safeguarded from harm.
An extra 62 police officers recruited via the national uplift programme

Full article here          Policing – Precept survey
Heating funding 1      Heating funding leaflet
Heating funding 2     Additional heating funding


Eastcourt receives life-saving defibrillator from Malmesbury League of Friends

Eastcourt is the latest local parish council to have a life-saving defibrillator, situated in the old telephone box in the centre of the village, and which has been largely funded by Malmesbury League of Friends (MLOF).
Thirteen local parish councils have already received funding from MLOF to install defibrillators in their villages. Many local parishes already have them, and others are still considering the offer from MLOF of £1,500 each towards their installation.
Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) have been described as the single most important development in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest. Designed for use by untrained lay persons, they have improved the outcomes of literally thousands of people who have suffered from cardiac arrests.
MLOF chairman David Hide said: “ We are delighted to have helped towards the installation of a defibrillator in Eastcourt. We’d like to hear from any other local parish councils who do not currently have one.”
Peter Gilchriest, Chairman of Crudwell  Parish Council, said: “ We are very grateful to have received this help from MLOF in placing this life-saving facility in the village.”
More information from:
Community Heartbeat Trust – www.communityheartbeat.org.uk
Malmesbury League of Friends – www.mlof.co.uk
David Hide (MLOF): Tel: 01666 824148/07887 932253
Eastcourt: Jonathan Stanford- Tel: 07855  803228
Click for photo of Eastcourt defibrillator 
From L-R, Jonathan Stanford, Crudwell Parish Council Chairman Peter Gilchriest and MLOF chairman David Hide with the new defibrillator to be installed in the old phone box in the village.


*Caution, Local Covid Infections very high!*

Hello all,
The number of people tested positive in the Malmesbury Crudwell and Oaksey area continues to rise to very worrying levels. The local reported number as at 17th October was 89 cases, that is 1089 per 100,000; more than double the national average for England of just over 400 per 100,000. You can check this out at:
Clearly a cause for great concern and we advise all to remain extremely cautious and to try to stay safe by following guidance.
We advise that you should wear a mask when meeting others or in shops, garages etc.
Contrary to what some seem to believe the pandemic is far from over here.


Road Closures for up to 5 days between 01 Nov 2021 and 02 Dec 2021

For surface dressing and maintenance.
Anticipated to be required for up to five days between 01 November 2021
and 02 December 2021.
TRAFFIC) ORDER (NO.7) 2021 (Ref: TTRO 7665)
Notice is hereby given that Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily, to all
vehicles, the lengths of road specified in the Schedule to this notice.
The Order, which previously came into operation on 26 September 2021 will now
recommence on 01 November 2021. It is required to enable carriageway surface dressing
and associated maintenance works. The Order has a maximum duration period of 18
months. The closures however will not be implemented for the whole of the period but only
when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessitated by the works.
It is anticipated that advance signs will be deployed 2 weeks prior to the closure dates.
Access will be maintained where possible although delays are likely due to the nature of the
Closures 1 – 5 are anticipated to be required for up to five days between 01 November 2021
and 02 December 2021.    Schedule
1. Ashley Road (Part), Crudwell; from its junction with Crudwell Lane to the
Gloucestershire county boundary;
2. Cuttle Lane and Giddeahall, Biddestone and Yatton Keynell; from its junction with
Church Road to its junction with A420;
3. Ashes Lane, Kington Langley; from its junction with Middle Common to its junction with
Newlands Green;
4. Flintham Hill, Oaksey and Crudwell; from its junction with C85, Oaksey to its junction
with C76, Crudwell;
5. Whittonditch Road, Ramsbury; from its junction with Union Street to its junction with
Alternative routes (vice versa)
1. Via Crudwell Lane, Out of county;
2. Via A420, A350, A4, C86;
3. Via Newlands Green, Days Lane, Church Road, Middle Common;
4. Via C85, A429, C76;
5. Via B4192, Newtown, Scholards Lane, Oxford Street
All works will be published on the Wiltshire Council website https://one.network/public when
confirmed dates are known.
For further information please contact Atkins on 01225 730360.
Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN


WOIC – September 2021

Download the September 2021 Edition
(This is a copy of last month’s and that we will post October’s copy shortly.)
We are pleased to note that distribution of the printed copy has now recommenced and will, subject to Covid progress and regulations continue throughout the year. The Parish Council has agreed to subsidise printing if required in order to ensure that production of this community resource continues.


Sunday river clearance today (19th Sept 21) cancelled

From John, Flood Warden
Job done yesterday so no day two needed!  Grateful thanks to all.
Amazingly the river clearance was completed by lunchtime Saturday so there is no need to show up today (Sunday!).
A willing band turned up at 10 am, got briefed and at 1015 Frank from Pettifers brought tea, excellent coffee and very welcome hot bacon rolls.
Our task was made a lot easier by recent clearances:- The Green by the Parish Council, the Glebe Field by Gary Marshall and Peter Williams and School Field by Jonathan Blanch.  Thanks to them we just cleared the river between the A429 and footbridge and tidied up minor debris and silting downstream, all quickly dealt with.
Thank you to those that came – including Alex Hunter and family, new to Crudwell and happy to help out.
See you next Autumn, probably25th September or 2nd October.
Kind regards

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