Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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Malmesbury Primary Care Centre-Covid 19 Vaccinations

Malmesbury Primary Care Centre have advised
COVID-19 Vaccination of Eligible Patients has started.
As more supplies of the vaccine or alternative vaccines become available it will be rolled out in phases to people aged between 80 and 50 and those who are clinically extremely vulnerable. People will be invited for a vaccine when it is their turn so please avoid contacting the GP practice.
Click link to the webpage and further information
Malmesbury Primary Care Centre – Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG (malmesburypcc.nhs.uk)


Neighbourhood Plan January 2021 Update

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is pleased to report that the Independent Examiner appointed to consider the draft Neighbourhood Plan has concluded that it meets the basic conditions and has recommended to Wiltshire Council that it can proceed to referendum subject to some modifications.
The decision about whether the Plan proceeds to referendum ultimately rests with Wiltshire Council and, following their consideration of the Examiner’s Report and recommendations, Wiltshire Council has now issued a ‘Decision Statement’ which confirms that it can proceed.
The required modifications are now being made to the plan which will be returned to Wiltshire Council.
However, because of the Covid 19 pandemic, referendums cannot be held until at least May 2021. We will inform you of the referendum arrangements as soon as these are available from Wiltshire Council.
In the meantime, the Plan, having reached this stage, has a great deal of weight in decisions about planning applications, so it should already protect Crudwell from speculative planning applications that could come forward because Wiltshire Council’s housing land supply is below the required five years. With a made Neighbourhood Plan, speculative applications only become more likely to be approved when Wiltshire’s housing land supply is below three years, which is not the case.


Crudwell PC COVID-19 Update

The latest information from Wiltshire Council re local services and help, also Government regulations during lockdown are available on the link below:
Our local street leaders continue to provide help to our elderly and vulnerable residents. The Street Leaders are all volunteers and many also juggle home work and home schooling so new volunteers are welcome. If you feel you can help then please mail us on the link below or let Leon Horton know at; Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address
It is necessary to stay at home where possible and to follow Government guidance, the picture in Malmesbury, Crudwell and Oaksey remains worse than wider Wiltshire with cases continuing to rise. As at 30 December there were 20 cases here (255 per 100,00) which compares unfavourably with surrounding areas; Cirencester (229 per 100,000), Tetbury (93 per 100,000), Cotswold (222 per 100,000), Swindon (242 per 100,000).
The source of this data is:


Important COVID-19 Update – Please read

As we enter Tier 2 Government coronavirus data today shows a rise in reported cases In Malmesbury, Crudwell and Oaksey to 140 cases per 100,000. This compares unfavourably with Cirencester (less than 3), wider Wiltshire (75), Swindon (139), Cotswold (34) and Gloucestershire (107). Clearly a time for us all to remain very vigilant, please follow Government guidelines to reduce the risk of contracting this deadly virus.
Source: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/search?postcode=SN16+9ET

Up-to-date advice from Wiltshire Council can be found at: https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/public-health-coronavirus

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