Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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COVID-19 Community Initiative – Community Street Leaders

We have established a team of amazing volunteer Community Street Leaders covering Crudwell & Chedglow. Making sure the more vulnerable & higher risk residents are okay during these times. Flyers have been posted through every door, asking those potentially in need, if they require our assistance.
If you do require assistance, contact me below & I will put you in touch with your Community Street Leader.
Leon Horton – Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address


Important news about “What’s On In Crudwell” (WOIC)

We have just been told that, sadly, distribution of a printed “What’s On In Crudwell” (WOIC)  is to be suspended with immediate effect.
To avoid the loss of this much loved monthly update on all things newsy from the Parish Council, Neighbourhood Plan, School, Church, local businesses and now also, the Crudwell Street Champions support network, we are pleased to announce that you will now be able to access a digital version of the WOIC, should you wish to, by signing up to the My-Crudwell mailing list.
As well as future WOIC issues, we are creating a new a page with the latest information available from your community together with live links to all local shopping, take-away and other services which the community have identified as useful, particularly at this time.
So by signing up to My-Crudwell/WOIC, you will receive an e-mail alert whenever WOIC has been updated on My-Crudwell. You will also receive important updates from the community on an as needed basis in order to keep pace with the developing COVID19 situation. If you wish you can also receive information regarding the Neighbourhood Plan, but this is entirely optional.
To sign up to the My-Crudwell mailing list, simply click the ‘Sign Up’ button below and fill out the fields provided on the resulting page.
Sign Up


Parish Council Meetings & Muck-In Postponed

Due to the recent change in Government recommendations regarding Coronavirus the Parish Council is unlikely to be able to meet in the near future. The council is taking guidance from the National Association of Local Councils who have a dedicated web page at https://www.nalc.gov.uk/coronavirus. Should Parishioners have specific issues they can contact the Chairman Please switch on JavaScript to see our email address or phone 577615.
Please note that the Parish Muck-in planned for Saturday the 4th April has also been postponed in the light of the current situation. It would though be helpful if parishioners could assist in clearing litter from there own areas where possible.



This is a friendly note to let you know that if you are self-isolating then your community is here to support you.
You should be shortly receiving a note from your street coordinator to give you contact details of individuals/families who might be able to help you.
Please also remember, if you are in one of the high risk categories or have symptoms, please take steps to isolate yourself, and that includes not letting people into your home.
Please also use the resources to help:
https://nhs.uk/coronavirus (details of symptoms and advice on handwashing etc)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/336960209833310/ (Crudwell Group)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/welovecrudwell/ (We Love Crudwell)
We are all here to help each other. Crudwell has always been a strong community and we are all here for each other.
As a last resort, please use the comments section on this page with your firstname, house number and street and we will get someone to you as quickly as we can.


Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition, 8th December, 11am-2pm

Dear Parishioners,
Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition, 8th December, 11am-2pm
The formal stage of consulting on our Neighbourhood plan (regulation 14) will run from the 8th December until the 1st February 2019.
This will be your opportunity to read and feedback on the plans and policies put forward as a result of all the information and research gathered this past year.
We would like to invite you to our Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition on the 8th December, 11am-2pm at Crudwell Village Hall.
There will be displays for each of the key areas of the plan, explaining each policy put forward and the reasoning behind it. There will also be members of the steering group available to talk through and answer any questions you may have.
We will send you a copy of the neighbourhood plan and a feedback form on the 8th December should you be unable to make the event, or wish to read and feedback in your own time. We will be running further Q&A sessions in January (dates TBC).
We hope to see you on the 8th and look forward to hearing your views.
Sian Burke-Murphy – Chair, NHP Steering Committee
Mike Credicott – Crudwell Parish Councillor


Neighbourhood Plan – Breaking News!

We are delighted to share with you that after our representations to yesterday’s Wiltshire Council Cabinet Meeting, the Ridgeway Farm Site Allocation has been removed from the Wiltshire Site Housing DPD. Whilst the final plan needs to be approved by Full Council next week, this is a really important milestone in our campaign to have our Parish’s voice heard.
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the Parish Council submitted to Wiltshire an objection on the basis that:

The is no Strategic Need for Wiltshire to allocate housing in Crudwell because supply in the Housing Market Area is good and the Wiltshire Core Strategy states that development in Large Villages should be limited to “small sites”.
Our Neighbourhood Plan is progressing extremely well and is planning to allocate a more proportionate size development within the Parish, taking into consideration local needs and local views.
The Council’s and Government’s Localism agenda is best served by allowing the Parish to determine its own future.

A lot of behind the scenes work has gone into getting to this stage. Cllr Berry has been working very hard to gain support from Cabinet members, however without the progress that has been made on the Neighbourhood Plan to date we wouldn’t be able to convince Wiltshire to allow us to determine our own destiny. Notably, one other Parish had their request turned down, because their Neighbourhood Plan wasn’t mature enough and did not contain the level of hard evidence we have been able to pull together.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in the Neighbourhood Plan so far, including the Focus Group leads and members, and indeed everyone who has filled in a survey or attended a meeting – it all adds up!
The Crowdfunding was instrumental in our work so far. This enabled us to appoint a consultant who has continuously provided guidance on our representations and strategy. Thank you to all of you who donated to this.
The battle doesn’t end here. We need to continue work on the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure that we meet our end of the bargain and we will continue to work at pace to achieve this.
We are also aware that a planning application has been submitted for Ridgeway Farm for an additional 39 houses, however given that it is outside of the Settlement Boundary we are confident that it will be turned down. Once the application is published on the council website, we will be in touch regarding representations.
It’s precisely a year since we started on this journey with a meeting in the Mayfield House Hotel and the launch of our Crowdfunding initiative. Thank you for your continued support!
Yours Faithfully
Sian Burke-Murphy, Chair, Crudwell NP Steering Committee
Tristan Stevens, Vice-Chair, Crudwell NP Steering Committee
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor


Joint Exhibition Update

Many thanks to those who attended the Joint Focus Group Exhibition last Saturday – around 70 in total. We were very encouraged by the level of interest shown. There was a real buzz of enthusiasm and involvement as people sought information, exchanged views and completed surveys on a range of issues relevant to future development in our community. Once the results have been analysed, they will be used to help shape our Neighbourhood Plan. If you were unable to get to the exhibition, the information on display in the village hall, together with the text of the surveys, are available on our website.
Here are some of the key issues with which people engaged on the day:

The relative merits of proposed development sites and architectural design in keeping with our rural parish, with a preference for small-scale sustainable growth expressed
The importance of supporting and enhancing local groups, businesses and our school
The level of interest in a community shop / hub and proposals on how this might be achieved
What existing facilities might be put forward as Assets of Community Value
Issues of road safety, including the desirability of further traffic calming measures, speed signage and the provision of a footpath along the full length of Tetbury Lane
Ongoing concern about flooding and sewerage
An improved public transport network, including better links with Kemble station
The protection of green spaces, open views and natural habitats, with any new buildings restricted in height.

The focus groups are now in the process of analysing the feedback received from parishioners. These findings, together with research already undertaken, will form the basis of the recommendations they will make to the steering group and will be valuable in identifying and developing the policies which will from a central part of our Neighbourhood Plan.
IMPORTANT: If you have not yet completed any of the surveys and would like to, they are available on our website. Topics cover Environment, Development and Design, Infrastructure and Transport and Community, Identity and Leisure.
Please note: the final deadline for completed questionnaires to be submitted online is FRIDAY 18th MAY.
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor
Tristan Stevens, Vice-Chair, Crudwell NP Steering Group


Neighbourhood Plan – Joint Focus Group Exhibition, Materials Now Online!

First of all, thank you to everyone who attended the Joint Focus Group Exhibition last weekend. We were really pleased with the level of interest shown and we got some really useful feedback that we’re now busily incorporating into the Focus Group Reports.
For those who couldn’t make the event, we’ve put all of the content up online and also put the questionnaires up too, so you can still have your say! If you’ve already filled out the questionnaires in-person, then please don’t do so again.
The main Vision and Objectives are available at on the website and there is a short questionnaire at the bottom.
The following pages link to the four focus groups:

Community, Leisure and Identity
Development and Design
Infrastructure and Transport

Finally, for a consolidated list of all of the questionnaires, you can visit the consultations page which has a link to all six surveys.
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of those who have been working hard over the last few weeks as part of the focus groups. I think there’s about 35 individuals who have put in a lot of their free time and the Steering Group and Parish Council are very grateful. We’re making great progress and are in a really good place with regards to having the material with which to start drafting the plan.
Remember, your feedback is invaluable in helping us to identify and develop the policies, which will form a central part of our Neighbourhood Plan. Please take the time to fill out the questionnaires if you haven’t done so already.
Yours Faithfully
Tristan Stevens, Vice-Chair, Crudwell NP Steering Committee
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor


Hunter Page to present at Parish Council monthly meeting tomorrow evening (1st May 2018)

Dear Parishioners,
Four key representatives from Hunter Page and Edenstone will be attending the Crudwell Parish Council monthly meeting tomorrow evening (Tuesday 1st May) at 7pm in the Village Hall.
They will be presenting revised plans for the proposed phase 2 development at Ridgeway Farm, to the Parish Council.
We have been unable to publicise this until now as Hunter Page only confirmed their attendance with the Parish Council late on Friday.
Given that the Ridgeway site is a proposed allocation in what is currently an emerging Wiltshire Site Allocations Plan, and that Hunter Page have offered this site in response to our Neighbourhood Plan  “Call for Sites”, it would be another opportunity for Parishioners to have a closer look at what they are proposing and to get an understanding of why they have launched this now rather than wait for the Neighbourhood Plan to make its recommendations.
Unfortunately Hunter Page are unable to attend the Neighbourhood Plan, Focus Group Exhibition this Saturday (5th) so please do go along to the Parish Council meeting tomorrow evening as well, if you can.
We hope that as many of you as possible can attend.
Best wishes
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor
Sian Burke-Murphy, Chair, Crudwell NP Steering Group

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