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Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan; Important Information

Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan; Important Information
The information below is available on a pdf which includes a QR code here  Neighbourhood Plan Bulletin
The Government recently published new planning guidelines with a compulsory target to deliver 1.5 million homes. This means that the number of new homes to be built in Wiltshire has been increased by 80%. This has a direct impact on the number of new homes that must be built in Crudwell  by 2038 from 11 to 39. This is in addition to the 25 homes to be built in Tuners Lane and other existing commitments.
The Neighbourhood Plan “made” in 2021 protects us from any development in Crudwell until 2026 and we are currently undertaking a formal Review of that plan to give us extended protection until 2031/2.
If we do not complete this new plan, Crudwell will be exposed to speculative planning applications for sites, which could be much larger than we require or could sustain, as can be seen springing up in Malmesbury and Tetbury and many other towns and villages. The new plan will ensure that our protection is extended and limited to the 39 homes required of us on sites chosen in consultation with the community.
As part of this process,  we held a new call for sites, and since the new targets were announced, have had renewed Steering Group discussions with the two landowners who responded with offers of sites considered to be viable by 2038. (Three landowners responded with one likely to be excluded as it is remote from the village and very small.)
Fresh discussions focussed on demonstrating the suitability and deliverability of housing on the sites to meet the parish’s requirement for new homes by 2038 have taken place. We have confirmed that two sites could potentially meet the requirement of 39, these are designated as Site A (Carpenters Yard) and B (Chapel Way), with Site A potentially providing up to 15 homes and Site B providing 25 homes.
We are fully conscious of the issues of increased traffic and flood risk and are convinced  that completion of the new plan, including allocation of the two sites, will prevent us from exposure to excessive, unsustainable developments that will fully compromise the character of the Parish. This new plan ensures that Crudwell will remain rural and pleasant, while  delivering on the mandatory allocation.
We are committed to consulting with the community at all stages of the Neighbourhood Plan’s development. So in light of new nationwide house-building targets, we would welcome your feedback on these latest proposals ahead of formal consultation processes later in the year.
We would welcome your comments, please complete the comments form online at:
Or fill in a paper copy (link at top of the post Neighbourhood Plan Bulletin, print and complete) and leave at the Post Office, The Wheatsheaf Inn, The Potting Shed or Pettifers Hotel.
Roy F Hamilton Lambley; Chairman, Crudwell Parish Council


Neighbourhood Plan – Public Consultation 26th May

You will probably be aware that the current Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan allocated a site for up to 25 new homes on the northern side of Tuners Lane.
The Neighbourhood Plan referred to a Community Liaison Group who would work with the applicant to ensure that the scheme is well designed.
The applicant has planned a public consultation event to be held between 5:00pm and 7:30pm on Friday 26th May at the Village Hall.
View the Public Consultation Flyer
It is a drop in session so you can attend at any time between 5:00pm and 7:30pm.
The applicant will explain how you can make your views known at the event.
We would encourage you to attend if you can, and then to make comments to the applicant afterwards.


Steering Group Membership Update

Sian Burke-Murphy; who has led the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group from its inception has now stepped down as Chair.
We are all indebted to Sian who’s drive, inspiration and dedication has helped the Group to successfully achieve it’s  goal of a made Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan. We are pleased that Sian will remain as a Steering Group and Community Liaison Group member.
Steering Group Secretary; Cllr. Roy Lambley who has led on the Regulation 16 consultation and Referendum stages of the Plan was elected as the new Steering Group Chairman. Parish Clerk Lisa Dent was elected as Steering Group Secretary and Crudwell Flood Warden John McWilliam was co-opted as a Steering Group member.

Roy F Lambley – Neighbourhood Plan
Steering Group Chairman


Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan ‘made’ latest news

Following our announcement of the 11th May stating that the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan had passed  the 6th May Referendum with 83% of votes in favour, we are pleased to inform you that we have now received confirmation from Wiltshire Council that the Plan has been formally ‘made’. This means that our Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Wiltshire Council Development Plan and the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will be given full weight when assessing planning applications that affect land in the Crudwell Neighbourhood Area. Having a made Neighbourhood Plan helps to ensure that we have much more control of any development in our Neighbourhood Area until 2026, when a new Neighbourhood Plan can be developed.
For full details please see the Made Neighbourhood Plan and the Decision Statement from Wiltshire Council below.
Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Final Decision Statement (following referendum)
Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2026 (Made – May 2021)


Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Referendum results

Following the referendum held on the 6th May, the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan has passed with the following result posted on Wiltshire Council’s website 9th May at: https://elections.wiltshire.gov.uk/Home/Division/5673
Yes 450 / No 83
The Plan will now be ‘made’, and become part of Wiltshire Council’s Local Plan.
We would like to thank all Crudwell residents who have helped with the plan, including the Steering Group members, over forty focus group members, our Parish Councillors, our local businesses and our retained planning consultant who has been funded by Government grants and by the Parish Council. We have also had excellent support from our link officer and the Neighbourhood Planning team at Wiltshire Council. And last but by no means least of course we thank the many Crudwell parishioners who have given their time generously during our consultation, helped in countless other ways and of course have voted in the Referendum.
While 450 parishioners (84% of those who voted and 50% of those on the electoral register) accepted that the plan is in the best interests of Crudwell we do understand that some of you are unhappy with the prospect of development in Tuners Lane. We can assure you that all views have been taken into account throughout, but at the end of the day we are required to have development of 25 houses and the Tuners Lane site, as one of only two sites which were deliverable by 2026, was chosen as demonstrably the more sustainable site in terms of access to facilities and traffic management. Included in the scope of the work are footway and parking improvements for Tuners Lane, funding for infrastructure including the school and possibly other village benefits.
The Community Liaison Group membership will include Tuners Lane residents and our flood warden. Working with the Parish Council and the flood warden we shall engage with Wessex Water in order that they take account for and remedy the existing flooding and sewage effluent episodes, which occur with heavy rainfall. The developers have to demonstrate that the development itself improves the current water run off from the site and does not cause flooding elsewhere but we do understand your concerns.
The need for a Neighbourhood Plan arose from discussions at a community gathering at the Mayfield Hotel in 2017, attended by over 40 residents, following which the Parish Council endorsed the idea and appointed a Steering Group to undertake the work. Since then Steering Group members, supported by 40 other local volunteers, have run public meetings, surveys, three major statutory consultations, gathered evidence as members of one of four thematic working groups, and organised 4 main exhibitions where you were invited to share your views.
We believe that the policies in the Plan, which have been designed with your input and requirements from our consultations, will facilitate the sustainable and scalable development of Crudwell through till 2026 and lay sound foundations for the future. Key to this are both our new Design Guide; to ensure that new buildings are in harmony with the village and street scene; and our unique Community Liaison Group. This body, comprising Steering Group members, Parish Councillors and residents will work with the site promoters to develop and agree details of a Tuners Lane planning application which will deliver high quality, well designed and realistically affordable houses. This will in turn lead to the tendering and appointment of a building firm to complete the development by 2026.
Many thanks again to all who have helped to make this happen.
Cllr Roy F Lambley; Secretary
Sian Burke Murphy; Chair
For CrudwellNeighbourhood Plan Steering Group


Referendum timings and info plus some FAQ’s

Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan-IMPORTANT NOTICE
It’s time to have your say!  Reminder… voting for the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum will take place on Election Day; 6th May 2021.
If you wish to vote, are a Crudwell Resident on the Electoral Register and have a postal
vote you must submit this to reach Wilts Council by 10pm on election day. You can
also vote in person at the polling station (Crudwell Village Hall) between 7am and
10pm on the 6th May 2021.
We have included some of our recent Frequently Asked Questions
which are also available on our website
Link to further information and FAQs




The Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan is a planning policy document that Wiltshire Council will use to make decisions on new development in Crudwell Parish.
A shortage of housing means that some development in Crudwell is necessary, especially to ensure that more people can stay living locally. The Neighbourhood Plan is our community’s answer to how much new housing Crudwell Parish can support, as well as the type, shape, and location of development that should take place based on the collected wishes of existing residents.
For example, the Neighbourhood Plan lays out which sites , of those made available by land owners , are appropriate for development and how that housing should be designed to be in keeping with the area.
The Plan also provides for what other amenities should be developed alongside housing to manage their impact and provide the right supporting infrastructure. This can mean things like traffic and pedestrian access and funding for leisure facilities, schools, utilities, and more.
Without a ‘made” Neighbourhood Plan, it is easier for developers to get planning permission for any amount or type of new housing anywhere in Crudwell. The Neighbourhood Plan provides the community with some control over the location and design of new development, and a say in how its impact should be managed.
The upcoming referendum will decide whether the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan becomes ‘made’ based on a vote by residents of Crudwell Parish. The Plan needs a simple majority – more than 50% – of ‘yes’ votes for it to become made as the area’s development plan.
If 50% or more of voters vote ‘no’, the Plan will not become ‘made’ and local development and planning decisions will be made without reference to the policies it lays out.
While we urge residents to read the Plan in full, a summary of its specific findings and recommendations is provided below. The Plan determines:
How much new development is built
Following a housing needs assessment, the Plan finds that the Parish needs 20-25 additional houses up to 2026, of which eight must be affordable. Wiltshire Council had originally proposed an additional 40 houses.
Where new development is built
Following a call for sites for development from land owners, only two available sites were found to be feasible: Ridgeway Farm, Tetbury Lane and a site at the end of the existing housing on Tuners Lane. Splitting development across the two sites was considered but would not deliver the number of affordable houses we need.
An independent technical survey was then undertaken on both sites, based on which the site found to be the most sustainable was Tuners Lane. The key factors considered in the decision were safe pedestrian access, traffic volumes, existing development, and access to local amenities. The Tuners Lane site was also the most widely favoured by residents at the 2019 consultation.
Wiltshire Council had originally proposed that an additional 40 houses be built on Ridgeway Farm, Tetbury Lane, in addition to the ten houses already built. However, it was determined by Government Inspectors that our housing needs should instead be met through the emerging Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan.
What new development looks like
The Crudwell Design Guide lays out how any new developments should be designed to reflect the character of our Parish and the wishes of its residents, including types of materials, roofs, windows, placement, and style.
Specific policies to which developers must adhere
The Plan states specific requirements developers must meet to address issues such as flooding, sewerage, road safety and design. For example, to address flood risk, the plan mandates that rainwater run-off from any site development must be less than in its existing condition.
What infrastructure is provided alongside development, and how it is funded (CIL/S106)
Infrastructure improvements needed as a result of development are funded through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or a more site-specific S106 Agreement. The local community receives some of the CIL money to spend on local initiatives, and when a Neighbourhood Plan is made, this increases from 15% to 25%. Development will also be subject to S106 payments, which could be used for things like improvements to Crudwell School
How planning and development decisions are made
The Plan includes a unique requirement for developers to work directly with a Community Liaison Group (to be formed of parishioners) and Parish Councillors to ensure that additional requirements including affordability, design, landscape protection and safe footpath access are all met.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, Wiltshire’s Returning Officer is asking that as many people as possible register to vote via post. If you wish to do so, you can obtain a form at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apply-for-a-postal-vote and submit it to Wiltshire Council by 4PM on Tuesday, 20th April.
At Crudwell Village Hall Polling Station between 7am and 10pm on the 6th May 2021. Remember to bring proof of identity and home address.
For more information and FAQs go to www.my-crudwell.org/plan/
To view the plan in full on the Wiltshire Council website click here

Cllr. Roy Lambley, Secretary, Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group


Neighbourhood Plan January 2021 Update

The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is pleased to report that the Independent Examiner appointed to consider the draft Neighbourhood Plan has concluded that it meets the basic conditions and has recommended to Wiltshire Council that it can proceed to referendum subject to some modifications.
The decision about whether the Plan proceeds to referendum ultimately rests with Wiltshire Council and, following their consideration of the Examiner’s Report and recommendations, Wiltshire Council has now issued a ‘Decision Statement’ which confirms that it can proceed.
The required modifications are now being made to the plan which will be returned to Wiltshire Council.
However, because of the Covid 19 pandemic, referendums cannot be held until at least May 2021. We will inform you of the referendum arrangements as soon as these are available from Wiltshire Council.
In the meantime, the Plan, having reached this stage, has a great deal of weight in decisions about planning applications, so it should already protect Crudwell from speculative planning applications that could come forward because Wiltshire Council’s housing land supply is below the required five years. With a made Neighbourhood Plan, speculative applications only become more likely to be approved when Wiltshire’s housing land supply is below three years, which is not the case.


Tuners Lane meeting, subsequent press report and our response

It is of course inevitable that residents will have concerns about housing developments, particularly those which may be near to their own homes. In order to address this issue a socially distanced question and answer session for Tuners Lane residents was held in the parish allotments between 11am and 12:30pm on Saturday the 8th August.
Contrary to claims that there had been no consultation there has been very substantial engagement with residents throughout the past three years. Evidence of this is comprehensively detailed in the Consultation Statement on the Wiltshire Council portal at https://consult.wiltshire.gov.uk. The allocation of Tuners Lane was published in our Regulation 14 draft Neighbourhood Plan eight week consultation which commenced on the 8th November 2018.
Saturday’s event in the allotments was well attended by local residents and by Steering Group members who addressed a number of challenging questions posed by the residents! Many of the issues raised have previously been addressed in the FAQ section of the my-crudwell website at https://www.my-crudwell.org/plan/faqs/.
A report/article of the meeting was posted on the Wilts and Glos Standard website and Facebook page on the 11th August 2020 and we are responding to that article as follows:
The article includes a number of points that we feel are inaccurate, particularly in relation to the need for the homes proposed at Tuners Lane, flooding and highways safety issues that stem from the development, so we would like to take this opportunity to correct those points.
In terms of the need for the houses, it is not correct that the Government requires every large village to provide an additional 20 homes by 2026. In fact, the detailed consultation undertaken by the Steering Group determined that the local community wanted more affordable homes. The best way to deliver those affordable homes is by allocating a site for 20 to 25 new houses, 40% of which will be affordable. 100% will be designed with the local community’s input, so we can influence the size, tenure and design of all of them, through a Community Liaison Group. If the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan does not allocate any land for new houses, then the local community risks losing control over where development goes.
Wiltshire Council planned to allocate a site for another 40 homes at Ridgeway Farm but later agreed to remove that allocation so that the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan could determine the number of homes needed locally and decide where they should go. A Government Inspector agreed that the neighbourhood plan should be left to make this decision too. So if the Neighbourhood Plan does not allocate a site, there is a chance that Wiltshire Council might allocate a site for us.
However, the greatest risk would come from developers submitting planning applications because it is easier for a developer to get planning permission for housing outside Crudwell’s settlement boundary if there is no Neighbourhood Plan with a housing allocation in place.
One of the main reasons that the expanded Ridgeway Farm plan was refused at appeal was because the appeal Inspector also thought that it would be best for the local community to decide where housing should go.
The Facebook article notes community concerns about flood risk. This is clearly a concern for all of us because of the flooding that has occurred in the past. We understand that.
Flooding can occur from rivers (or the sea), from surface water flows and from groundwater. In Crudwell’s case, flooding occurs because in heavy rain, surface water flows so fast from the land that the Swill Brook can’t cope. The surface water also gets into gaps in the sewer pipes, which caused the sewage overflows in the past. Wessex Water has fixed the leaks in the sewer pipes, so the sewage overflow should not happen again.
Surface water flows from any new housing site around Crudwell must be held on site and released only when the Swill Brook can cope. This is done either by creating a large green area that is designed to flood in wet weather, or by using underground tanks, normally under roads. These will be designed to store the rain that would fall in once in 100 years storm, and allowing for climate change too. This is required by policy DD1, which allocates the Tuners Lane site. This solution has also been deployed in Chapel Close, Tetbury Lane which also discharges into the Swill Brook to the north.
Additionally, policy IT1 ensures that any site that is developed in Crudwell includes the same measures to control surface water flows into the Swill Brook, to ensure that development improves the current situation rather than making it worse.
In terms of the concerns raised about road safety, one of the reasons that the Tuners Lane site was chosen over the Ridgeway Farm site is that it is easier to complete the footway from the Tuners Lane site to the A429 than it would be to complete the footway from the Ridgeway Farm site to the A429. The Tuners Lane site is also closer to more of the village’s facilities than the Ridgeway Farm site is.
The Steering Group looked at both Tetbury Lane and Tuners Lane to determine whether a footway could be built along the full length. It was concluded that this would be more difficult on Tetbury Lane because it was likely to result in the loss of a hedgerow on the southern side of Tetbury Lane, west of The Dawneys; it could only be delivered if a new priority chicane was introduced; it was likely to require the acquisition of third party land; and it was likely to be too expensive to deliver without compromising viability to deliver other community benefits.
In contrast, the footway can be completed from the Tuners Lane site to the A429 with stretches of footway 1.8m wide and independent consultants concluded there should be no need to remove the hedge to accommodate the visibility splay required at the entrance to the site. If a small amount of hedgerow did have to be removed, it could either be replanted within the Tuners Lane site or the footway could be delivered behind the hedge, also within the site.
The Neighbourhood Plan also includes a policy – IT2 – which requires developers to demonstrate how pedestrians will safely access the parish’s facilities from the site.
We hope that this clarifies a few points that might be of concern to the local community, and we look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible by 24th August.
Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

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