Your Parish Needs You!
Caring for Crudwell Parish
Dear Parishioners,
As you will all be aware, the Parish Council (PC) together with the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Steering Committee (SC) are facilitating the production of a NP for Crudwell Parish. Once adopted or “Made”, the vision for how our community develops over time as set out in the NP becomes the blue print against which all planning applications will judged, to ensure they address the priorities of our area. It has to be written with the full engagement of the local community. Without full engagement, it will carry light weight.
It is really important that we SHOW that we are passionate about our community. We can do this in the following ways:
By getting comment cards in before the 22nd December. Nearly 1,000 leaflets were personally delivered to Residents, Local business/employers, Parents at School / Pre-school and other Stakeholders in Crudwell Parish 3-4 weeks ago. To date we have received just 20 comment cards so please complete as soon as possible.By giving permission to add your e-mail addresses to the NP e-mail list, so that we can keep you informed and invite you to the policy workshops / focus groups we will be running early in the New Year. Your contact details will remain confidential and will only be used to keep you updated on the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan. We had over 250 Parishioners signed up on the Crudwell Voice distribution list, we would love for all of you to agree to that information being transferred to the NP e-mail list.
If you are able to offer a bit more time to the NP process, we would be hugely grateful so please do let us know if you can and we’ll contact you to discuss options.
Spread the word! Talk to local friends, family, neighbours and employers about it and urge them to get comment cards in.
You may have noticed in the local paper last week (follow link below) that the Developers at Ridgeway Farm are ploughing ahead with plans for a further 40 houses. According to that article published in Tuesday’s Gazette & Herald they have submitted a planning application for the additional houses, constituting phase 2. Although we understand from our local Councillor, no plans have been submitted to date.
Without a NP in place, we are wide open to speculative development so PLEASE ACT NOW AND COMPLETE THE COMMENTS CARD. We will not be successful in getting a NP “Made” unless we can demonstrate local community engagement at every stage!
Yours Faithfully
Mike Credicott, Crudwell Parish Councillor
Sian Burke-Murphy, Chairman, Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee