Welcome to my-crudwell.org, the official community website for Crudwell Village, Wiltshire.
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[The Crudwell Blog is meant to be a topical look at things going on in the village. It’s written as things happen, so it may not reflect formal decisions taken by the Parish or County Councils. Please read it with that in mind]

Steering Group Membership Update

Sian Burke-Murphy; who has led the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group from its inception has now stepped down as Chair. We are all indebted to Sian who’s drive, inspiration and dedication has helped the Group to successfully achieve it’s  goal of a made Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan....


Referendum timings and info plus some FAQ’s

Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan-IMPORTANT NOTICE It’s time to have your say!  Reminder… voting for the Crudwell Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will take place on Election Day; 6th May 2021. If you wish to vote, are a Crudwell Resident on the Electoral Register and have a postal vote you must submit this...

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