The role/purpose of a neighbourhood plan
Government Planning Practice Guidance:
“Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.”
What is a neighbourhood plan?
- The neighbourhood plan is part of the “development plan”
- It will decide:
- How much new development is built
- Where new development is built
- What new development looks like
- What infrastructure is provided alongside development, and how it is funded (CIL/S106)
- Planning applications are determined based on its policies
Community Engagement
Vision and Objectives
The Vision and Objectives form the boundaries of what the Neighbourhood Plan will and will not do.
The Vision is an overarching statement describing what we want our neighbourhood area to be like in 2026.
The Objectives for the plan are there to help us deliver the vision and are broad statements of intent, linking back to the issues that we are seeking to address.

“In 2026, the Parish of Crudwell will remain a vibrant, inclusive, rural community, which is home to residents of all generations.
Any new residential development will meet the needs of those within the Parish, with a focus on enabling young adults to remain. Any development will have taken into account the views of the local community, and will be sensitively designed to reflect the attractive rural location and to protect the conservation area.
The parish will include the facilities, community events, groups and infrastructure needed to enable the community to remain vibrant and inclusive, and the school, church, local businesses, village hall and recreation facilities will have been protected and enhanced where possible.
Public transport connections to Malmesbury and Kemble station will have been improved, as will the safety of road users around the parish.”
Objectives: Development and Design
- To deliver new housing that meets local needs and is community led.
- To ensure that the delivery of new homes is part of an overall plan to enhance infrastructure and community resources appropriately.
- To protect and enhance our natural, built and historic environment, as a rural and agricultural community on the edge of the Cotswolds, by ensuring any new development is appropriately located and of a scale and design sympathetic to its surroundings.
Objectives: Infrastructure and Transport
- To deal with flooding and sewage issues, upgrading the systems in order to meet the current and future needs of our community.
- To ensure a free and safe flow of traffic in our community, with any new development contributing towards this objective, and to ensure minimum impact on existing roads system, especially at junctions and in relation to the issue of parking around the primary school.
- To ensure any development encourages sustainable forms of transport and specifically includes adequate and safe routes for walking, cycling and horse riding.
- To nurture and protect Crudwell School.
- To secure faster broadband speeds and better mobile phone coverage in the Parish, especially in the outlying areas and smaller villages.
- Improve local bus services, adopting a more integrated approach to links with Malmesbury, Cirencester and Kemble railway station and with connecting services, to improve commuter connections and local journeys in line with the needs of the community.
Objectives: Environment
- Protect our local landscape to reflect its rural setting and its farming community
- Protect and maintain our green spaces and natural environment
- Protect our Conservation area
- Preserve and improve our recreational open spaces
- Improve promotion and enablement of recycling and waste reduction
- Explore and exploit opportunities for green build standards, renewable energy
Objectives: Community, Leisure & Identity
- To maintain, protect and enhance existing community facilities, especially school, church, local businesses, village hall and open spaces.
- To protect and foster our vibrant and inclusive community by encouraging new facilities and small businesses in keeping with our growing community.
- To improve recreation facilities and opportunities, especially for teenagers